Helping one of our own – Obey Muleya’s Operation

James M Kouzes states that “It always takes a group of people working together with a common purpose in an atmosphere of trust and collaboration to get extraordinary things done.” 

Obey Muleya

That was the case when Fawcett Security management and staff came together to help one of their own, Security Guard Malaki Muleya (from our Victoria Falls Branch) who’s two year old son, Obey, was diagnosed with ductus arteriosis, a heart defect that needed to be closed off by way of corrective surgery.

The cost of the corrective surgery was out of Security Guard Muleya’s reach, who sought assistance from Fawcett’s Workers Committee. It was agreed by the workers committee and Fawcett Management to assist Security Guard Muleya and his family with their plight.  Over a period of two months Fawcett’s employees each committed $2.00 of their earnings towards the cost of the surgery. Fawcett Management then covered the balance needed to get the surgery done.


Security Guard Muleya and his family were brought to Harare to see Dr S. P. Machawira, a pediatric surgeon, who performed the corrective surgery on the 12th of May 2017.  The operation was a success and at the time of writing this Obey Muleya (Pictured left with his mother) was recovering remarkably.